
Welcome to my weather blog. I produce two weather forecasts per week, normally Monday and Thursday evening, and also put links to any other interesting weather information, and crazy weather videos that I discover. The forecast is based on my expectations for the Reading area, UK. If you want a forecast for your area, please e-mail me or comment below the blog post.
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Friday, 4 May 2012

James Winfield's Weather Forecast 3rd May

April was wet.  Very wet. Triple the average in some areas.

I would happily bet that May will be wetter than April.

There is also plentiful cold air coming down from the north, as you may have felt - Thursday in Reading did not get above 9.5'C.

But it isn't all doom and gloom because there is a large pulse of hot air in the upper atmosphere which is coming from the south.

Don't get too excited though, because you should know cold air and warm air don't get along easily from your physics education (no I don't remember much sadly).

A cold week will lead into a very wet week, but how it ends depends upon...magic...or perhaps what happens during the week coming, so I cannot be sure yet but I favour the solution of next weekend being very warm and thundery at 60%.  The other solution is a calm, pleasant, sunny, weekend but cold for the time of year with possible frost overnight and around 13'C - one of those is your reward for the week of rain.

This weekend might end up relatively dry.  Cloudy, damp, bits of rain, nothing to shout about.

Next week is concerning as it could possibly rain heavily on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday without much in the way of relent.  If you are living in an area which is likely to flood, be prepared.

So next weekend, as I said 60% it will be 24'C but thundery, 40% of glorious sunshine and 14'C.

I will keep updates on the Facebook page as I do not have the time to put into regular forecasts at the moment.

Oh, I am still expecting a good summer.  Hot July.  Hot August.  I see no reason why not.

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